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SPARK is available to offer the following to your young people free-of-charge:

  1. Drop-in mental health support at the Herts Haven Café in Ware. The details for this is in my signature. No referral, no appointment needed – just signposting.
  2. One-to-one mental health support for children and young people or support with ADHD or autism referrals, including through NHS Right To Choose, for children and young people who are registered with a GP surgery at either of the following Primary Care Networks:
    1. Hertford and Rurals Primary Care Network: New River Health (Castlegate Surgery and Church Street Surgery), Hanscombe House Surgery, Lea Wharf Medical, Watton Place Clinic or Bridge Cottage Surgery
    2. Ware and Rurals Primary Care Network: Dolphin House Surgery or Buntingford and Puckeridge Medical Practice (Standon & Puckeridge Surgery and Buntingford Medical Centre)