Please find our school policies and documents below.
- Accessibility plan exp Summer 2025Download
- Attendance policy exp Autumn 2025Download
- Behaviour Policy exp Autumn 2025Download
- Charging and Remissions policy exp Autumn 25Download
- Child Protection Policy exp Autumn 25Download
- Children with health needs who cannot attend school exp Spring 2026.docDownload
- Communication policy exp Autumn 2025Download
- Complaints policy exp Summer 2026Download
- Data Protection exp Autumn 25Download
- Equality Information and Objectives exp Summer Jul 25Download
- Freedom of information policy exp Spring 2024Download
- Homework policy 24-25Download
- Keeping children safe in education 2024Download
- Online Safety Exp Autumn 2026Download
- PSHE (includes SRE) policy exp Summer 2025Download
- Safeguarding Policy exp Autumn 25Download
- SEN Policy exp Autumn 2025Download
- Teaching and Learning (Sticky Knowledge) exp Sep 27Download
- Volunteering exp Autumn 2025Download
- Written Behaviour Principles exp Summer 2025Download
- Supporting c/ren with medical conditions exp Spring 2026.docDownload