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Pupil Leadership

 Our Voice

Our Voice is a pupil social research group currently made up of a small group of KS2 pupils. It was started by Ms Potts when she was studying for a Master’s degree at Cambridge University. Children in her class were interested in the social research she was doing so she set up the group, giving children a chance to learn research skills and apply them to their own projects.

The aim of Our Voice is to provide in-depth research to some of the issues which have arisen from the school council debates across the school. With the support of Ms Potts, the children gather the views of other pupils on their own topic or a topic currently being considered by school leaders. They then analyse the results and create a report representing the views of the pupils, sometimes including recommendations. All school leaders have made a commitment to listen carefully and to consider the implications of the research when making decisions. For example, some big changes were made to assemblies as a consequence of the research and new books were bought for the library based on pupil preference.

Any KS2 pupil may join Our Voice and be trained in social research methods providing they are happy to make a weekly lunchtime commitment and have a passion for ensuring that pupils have their say. Children from all year groups, where appropriate, may be asked to complete questionnaires or be interviewed and teachers will ensure that they are supported in giving their own views.

School Council

Two years ago, we changed the way in which our school council was run by using Smart School Council. This allows every child to have a say and vote on important issues that can help improve the school. There are still, however, members of school council who have various roles and responsibilities such as supporting other children to start and lead lunchtime groups, finding relevant questions to be discussed as a whole school, liaising with staff. This group is called the School Council Comms. Team and is open to Y5 and Y6 children.

Some of the success stories from school council include a clubhouse being built in the KS2 playground, our new pond, agreement on the use of the reading record (both parents and children contributing comments at least weekly).

The newsletter will now have a School Council section showing what is the current topic for discussion and the results of the vote. Please note that it is the Comms Team, not school staff, who decide on the questions. They do this by looking through the suggestions from the school council meetings and by talking to children at playtimes or during buddy sessions. Sometimes, there are separate questions to discuss for KS1 and KS2. Once the question is set, the children discuss their views in groups and vote as a group.