What Bengeo Has To Offer
An 'outstanding' school (Ofsted September 2023)
- A commitment to developing the health and well-being of pupils and staff – National Healthy Schools Accreditation
- High quality training for Teaching & Learning Assistants and students
- On-site Playgroup (fee payable)
- Child care facilities - Busy Lizzies provide a Breakfast Club and After School Club (fee payable)
- Holiday Club (Fee payable, childcare run by Club Excel)
- Two form entry
- Separate classrooms, all with cloakroom and toilet facilities
- Banks of chrome books/iPads for all classes
- Excellent music and sporting provision with opportunities for performance and competitive sport
- Outstanding attitudes to learning and behaviour
- Proactive pupil voice
- Separate hard play areas for each Key Stage, incorporating outdoor play equipment, trim trails, and the Enchanted Garden.
- Forest School
- School library
- Large, pleasant site on the edge of the countryside
- Wide range of extra-curricular clubs
- Pedestrian skills training
- Highway patrol person
- Extensive and informative website
- Hot lunches cooked on the premises
- A supportive and active Bengeo Parents' Association (BPA)
- Active involvement in the community
- Food technology room
- Platinum sports mark