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At Bengeo, we are a happy school community where children develop the curiosity, resilience, passion and knowledge to achieve and thrive.



We want our children to:

Be Ready
Be Responsible
Be Respectful
  • To be empowered and to have a voice.


  • To develop strength and self-belief.


  • To engage with their learning and to strive to achieve.


  • To understand the wider world and their responsibility in it.


  • To be knowledgeable and to be able to apply that knowledge for the benefit of society.


  • To be empathetic and considerate to all.


  • To treat the world around them with kindness.



We want our school to be a place:


  • which is a focal part of our community.
  • where we build good foundations for life’s journeys.
  • which is safe and supportive.
  • where everyone is respected and included.
  • for thinking and learning.
  • which is reassuringly consistent for everyone.
  • for friendship and kindness.
  • where we are responsible for our learning, our attitudes and our environment.
  • where we can express our creativity and be ourselves.