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Key Stage 2 Curriculum

The Key Stage 2 curriculum consists of 12 subjects including PSHE. The core subjects of maths and English are taught every day (usually in the morning). The other subjects are science (also a core subject), computing, history, geography, art, design & technology (D&T), physical education (PE), religious education (RE), modern foreign languages (MFL), music and personal, social and health education (PSHE).  At Bengeo, we teach Spanish.  

Bengeo curriculum is rich in powerful knowledge and underpinned by strong values.  Powerful knowledge is knowledge seeped in the traditions of each subject which empowers our children to engage fully in their lives now and in the future.  For the children, we call this knowledge 'sticky knowledge' because we want them to understand that this is knowledge of such value it should stay with them forever.  Our curriculum is both broad and deep, and is presented in a way to help knowledge stick including:

  • ensuring that the entire national curriculum is well taught for all children 
  • strengthening the curriculum with cultural knowledge – the people, innovations and ideas which represent the very best of each subject – being mindful of those who have been overlooked in the past (BLM) 
  • constructing a fluent curriculum where connections are easily made and learning is built upon 
  • ensuring that learning is suitably challenging while remaining mindful of cognitive overload 
  • encouraging pupils to consider how each topic is personally relevant to them and promoting a culture of life-long learning 
  • infusing teaching and learning with strong shared values and an ethos of working together 


In KS2, children start to develop metacognitive skills and learn how to help themselves, and each other, in the process of making knowledge stick.  They are expected to take increasing responsibility for their own learning, especially when learning in greater depth, and will be given opportunities to set and follow their own learning pathways.  For example, in a maths lesson, they will be expected to make a sensible decision as to whether they need further practice or could start to reason around a concept.